Dental Crowns Treatment: When is it Necessary and What to Expect

There are a lot of people who might need dental crowns in their lifetime. A dental crown is essentially a cap that fits over an existing tooth, covering it entirely. This can be done for several reasons, including restoring the shape and size of a damaged tooth, protecting a weak or worn-down tooth from further damage, or even purely cosmetic purposes.

So when do you know if you need a dental crown? If you have a tooth with significant decay or damage that cannot be repaired with fillings or other treatments, your dentist may recommend a dental crown. Dental crowns can also be used to cover teeth with large cavities or those that have undergone root canal therapy. In addition, if you have cracked teeth due to grinding or clenching your teeth regularly, getting dental crowns for adults will help protect them from further damage.

Expect during the process of getting a dental crown

  • Getting a dental crown is usually preparing the affected tooth by removing any decayed areas and shaping it so that it can accommodate the new restoration properly. Your dentist will then take impressions of your teeth using either traditional putty-like material or digital scans.
  • Once these impressions are taken, they are sent off to the lab where your custom-made dental crowns will be fabricated out of materials like porcelain or ceramic. While waiting for these custom-made restorations to come back from the laboratory (typically 2-3 weeks), temporary crowns are placed on top of prepared teeth as placeholders until permanent ones arrive.
  • When ready for placement, your dentist will remove temporary crowns before cleaning and drying prepared teeth carefully before cementing new ones in place permanently.

Long do Dental Crowns last

  • Dental Crown’s lifespan depends on various factors such as oral hygiene habits like brushing twice daily and flossing regularly. avoiding hard food items like candies and ice cubes. Avoiding bad habits such as grinding teeth during sleep. Regular visits to dentists for check-ups etc.
  • With proper care and maintenance routine which includes adequate oral hygiene practices along with regular visits to dentists every six months’ interval for check-ups & cleanings most patients’ restored natural-looking smiles last between five years up through fifteen years. However – this duration varies based on individual cases depending upon daily habits & genetics factors too.


Getting Dental Crowns treatment might seem daunting initially but trust us when we say. It’s worth taking care of yourself. After all You deserve nothing less than optimal oral health conditions throughout life-long. Seek professional advice now about how best suited this procedure could serve YOU personally.